Young Asian woman working on her laptop computer and drinking a cup of coffee at home.

Remote Project Management Opportunities

Help solve today's most critical health challenges.

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Begin your Labcorp project management career today.

We believe in the power of science to change lives. Be a part of a leading global life sciences company that provides vital information to help doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, researchers, and patients make clear and confident decisions. As a project manager, you will be an intregal part of a global team of more than 75,000 who help to provide insights and accelerate innovations to improve health and improve lives in more than 100 countries. 
Explore open career opportunities.
Learn more about life at Labcorp.
Leadership and Development
We believe your career should be boundless.
We lead to create an environment of trust, respect and inclusivity as part of our Labcorp Leadership ID.​​​​​​​
U.S. Rewards and Wellness
We believe in work that makes a difference.

We help our employees and their family members achieve their wellness goals.
Diversity and Inclusion
We believe diverse backgrounds and perspectives are crucial to our success.

Our diverse talent is core to our mission to improve health and improve lives.
Labcorp Education Advantage
We're investing in the future of our employees with 100% tuition coverage.
Through Labcorp Education Advantage, eligible employees can get 100% tuition coverage toward curated undergraduate healthcare and life sciences certificates and degrees offered online from top-tier academic institutions.
Join Our Talent Network.
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